Code of Conduct
Code of conduct of Metallbearbeitung Gerhard Maier
Metallbearbeitung Gerhard Maier, based in Pfaffenhofen/Ilm Germany, is committed to ecologically and socially responsible corporate management. We expect the same behavior from all of our suppliers. We also expect our employees to observe the principles of ecological, social and ethical behavior and to integrate them into the corporate culture. We also strive to continuously optimize our entrepreneurial activities and our products and services in terms of sustainability and call on our suppliers to contribute to this with a holistic approach. For future cooperation, the contractual partners agree on the application of the following regulations for a joint code of conduct. This agreement is the basis for all future deliveries and services. The contractual partners undertake to comply with the principles and requirements of the code of conduct. Suppliers are also requested to contractually oblige their subcontractors to adhere to the standards and regulations listed in this document. The Code of Conduct is based on national laws and regulations as well as international agreements and declarations. We expect our suppliers to comply with all relevant laws and regulations as well as the requirements of standards.
Requirements for suppliers
1.1 Social responsibility
Exclusion from forced labor:
No forced labor, slave labor or similar work may be used. All work must be voluntary and employees must be able to terminate their work or employment at any time. In addition, there must be no unacceptable treatment of workers, such as psychological hardship, sexual or personal harassment.
Prohibition of child labor:
Child labor may not be used in any phase of production. Suppliers are requested to adhere to the recommendation from the ILO conventions on the minimum age for the employment of children. Accordingly, the age should not be less than the age at which compulsory schooling ends and in any case not under 15 years.
Fair remuneration:
The remuneration paid to the workers must comply with all applicable laws on remuneration, including z. B. Include laws on minimum wages or overtime. If the statutory minimum wage is insufficient to cover the cost of living, the business partner is obliged to pay a fee that covers the basic needs. Deductions from wages as punitive measures are not permitted. The basis on which employees are paid is continuously made known to the employees in a pay slip.
Fair working hours:
Working hours must comply with applicable laws or industry standards. Overtime is only permitted if it is done on a voluntary basis and while employees must be given at least one day off after six consecutive working days.
Freedom of Association:
The supplier respects the workers’ right to freedom of association, to join trade unions, to appeal to workers’ representatives or to join works councils in accordance with local laws. Workers must be able to communicate openly with management without fear of reprisals or harassment.
Prohibition of discrimination:
Discrimination against employees in any form is not permitted. This applies, for example, to discrimination based on gender, race, caste, skin color, disability, political conviction, origin, religion, age, pregnancy or sexual orientation. The personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual are respected.
Health and safety at work:
The supplier is responsible for a safe and healthy work environment. The necessary precautionary measures against accidents and damage to health that may arise in connection with the activity are taken through the establishment and application of appropriate occupational safety systems. In addition, employees are regularly informed and trained about applicable health and safety standards as well as health and safety measures.
Complaint mechanisms:
The supplier is responsible at the operational level for establishing an effective complaints mechanism for individuals and communities who may be adversely affected.
Dealing with conflict materials:
For the conflict material tungsten the company establishes processes in accordance with the principles of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for the fulfillment of the duty of care to promote responsible supply chains for minerals areas of conflict and high risk and expects the same from his supplier.
1.2 Ecological responsibility
Treatment and discharge of industrial wastewater:
Wastewater from operating procedures, production processes and sanitary facilities must be typified, monitored, checked and, if necessary, treated before discharge or disposal. In addition, measures should be introduced to reduce the production of wastewater.
Dealing with air emissions:
General emissions from operational processes (air and noise emissions) as well as greenhouse gas emissions must be typified before they are released, routinely monitored, checked and, if necessary, taken. The supplier is also responsible for monitoring its exhaust gas cleaning systems and is required to find economical solutions to minimize any emissions.
Handling of waste and hazardous substances:
The supplier follows a systematic approach to identify, handle, reduce and responsibly dispose of or recycle solid waste. Chemicals or other materials that represent a hazard if released into the environment must be identified and handled in such a way that safety is ensured when handling these materials, transporting, storing, using, recycling or reusing them and when disposing of them is.
Reduce the consumption of raw materials and natural resources:
The use and consumption of resources during production and the generation of waste of all kinds, including water and energy, must be reduced or avoided. This happens either directly at the point of origin or through processes and measures, for example by changing the production and maintenance processes or processes in the company, through the use of alternative materials, through savings, through recycling or with the help of the reuse of materials.
Dealing with energy consumption / energy efficiency:
The energy consumption must be monitored and documented. Economical solutions must be found to improve energy efficiency and minimize energy consumption.
1.3 Ethical business conduct
Fair competition:
The norms of fair business activity, fair advertising and fair competition must be observed. In addition, the applicable antitrust laws must be applied, which prohibit in particular agreements and other activities that affect prices or conditions when dealing with competitors. Furthermore, these regulations prohibit agreements between customers and suppliers with which customers are to be restricted in their freedom to determine their prices and other conditions in the event of resale autonomously.
Confidentiality / data protection:
The supplier undertakes to meet the reasonable expectations of his client, suppliers, customers, consumers and employees with regard to the protection of private information. The supplier must observe the laws on data protection and information security and the official regulations when collecting, storing, processing, transmitting and passing on personal information.
Intellectual property:
Intellectual property rights must be respected; Technology and know-how transfer must take place in such a way that intellectual property rights and customer information are protected.
Integrity / bribery, taking advantage:
The highest standards of integrity must be applied to all business activities. The supplier must pursue a zero-tolerance policy with the prohibition of all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement. Procedures for monitoring and enforcing the standards are to be used to ensure compliance with anti-corruption laws.
Implementation of the requirements
With regard to supply chains, we expect our suppliers to recognize the risks and take appropriate action. The supplier is obliged to keep the necessary documentation to prove compliance with this code of conduct. In the event of suspected violations and to hedge against risks, the company requires disclosure of the supply chains. The company reserves the right to take action against suppliers who do not meet these requirements.
The company reserves the right to supplement, change or terminate this code at any time without giving reasons.