Welcome to Metall Maier's Sintered Metal Shop
Here you find a great assortment of tungsten, molybdenum, and tungsten-copper alloys. You can choose between plates, rods, as well as square and rectangular bars in various different sizes.
Get extensive information about the several product categories. All Products in this shop are in stock and can be shipped immediately. On request, we also deliver custom shapes and sizes. Do not hesitate to ask, we will gladly inform you about dimensions, prices and delivery time.
We draw on many years of experience and profound knowledge about the chipping and fusing of all kinds of sintered metals.
Discover our great quality and prices!
Products selected for you
Tungsten Copper alloy 75/25 Rod ø 12±0,2 x 200 mm
Tungsten Rod Surface polished ø 8±0,05 x 305+5 mm
About Metall Maier
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